Class and instance attributes

Arthur Mayer
3 min readJan 11, 2021


Dog class

In this article we will see what are classes and instances in OOP (object oriented programming) with Python language.
0. Definitions
1. Code examples
2. User manipulations

0. Definitions

Documentation is difficult to read but necessary to code. Here is an abstract of all concepts we will need.

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm based on the concept of objects which contain data and code: data fields (classes & instances), and code procedures (methods, functions).

A Class define a set of properties and methods that are common to objects and the behavior and information our objects will contain.

An Object is a group of related variables and methods (functions).

An instance method is a function bounded to a class instance. It is opposed to a static method or a class method. It is a specific representation of an object. An object is a generic thing while an instance is a single object that has been created in memory. Usually an instance will have values assigned to it’s properties that differentiates it from other instances.

An instance attribute is a variable belonging to an object. It is defined inside the constructor function of a class which is called __init__(self, ...).

There are 3 types of instance attributes (or access modifiers) :
Public instance attributes can be accessed anywhere inside or outside the class.
_Protected instance attributes (called with single underscore prefix) can be accessed within the same package.
__Private instance attributes (called with a double underscore prefix) are used in order to avoid direct access of a class field and cannot be accessed directly or modified by external user. Moreover, we can use them to add validation logic (data type checks for example) around getting and setting a value. They will need to use getter and setter accessors to ensure data encapsulation.

A class attribute is a variable belonging to a class. Thus, it is shared between all other objects and is defined outside the constructor function.

Each object and attribute are stored in a dictonary special attribute which is called __dict__(example shown in section 2).

1. Code examples

Lets stop talking, there is nothing more clearer than a code block !

Create a class and a constructor:

>>> class Dog:
... """
... Create a "Dog" class
... """
... def __init__(self, name, weight, age, address):
... """
... Constructor
... Args:
... name (string): 'name' instance attribute
... weight (int): 'weight' instance attribute
... etc...
... """
#this is a private instance attribute:
... self.__name = name
#these are public instance attribute:
... self.weight = weight
... self.age = age
... self.address = address

Create an instance and instance attribute properties (getter & setter):

...    def Characteristics(self):
... """
... Create a "Characteristics" instance method
... """
print("{} weighs {}kg and is {} year(s) old."
.format(, self.weight, self.age))
... @property
... def name(self):
... """
... Create the name getter
... """
... return self.__name
... @name.setter
... def name(self, value):
... Create the name setter
... """
... if type(value) is not int:
... raise TypeError("Name must be a string !")
... else:
... self.__name = value

2. User manipulations:

Now, lets manipulate our new Labrador class

Creating a ‘Labrador’ class with proper attributes:

>>> Labrador = Dog(Poopie, 25, 9, garden, female)
>>> Labrador.Characteristics()
Poopie weighs 25kg and is 9 year(s) old.

Trying to change ‘name’ value and data type:

>>> = "Loolee"
>>> = 98
TypeError: Name must be a string !

The dictionnary attribute:

>>> Labrador.__dict__
{'name': Poopie, 'weight': 25, 'age': 9, 'address': garden}

